Saturday, February 20, 2010

Been a Hectic Week?

What a week! A week of many movements - both internally and externally. Where we've perhaps experienced different swirls of emotions that we have surfaced again from the past. How did we re-act or not re-act to them? As parents, did we over-react to our child's behaviour? As business owners/employees did we fall into old thinking/working habits? As kids, have we felt too tired and very sensitive to be able to have energy to keep up with our social commitments & expectations?

A week where everything perhaps have seemed to have a momentum of its own, which left us feeling a need to 'escape' or 'retreat'? Time and space to recover or to 'get a grip'. Or felt so exhausted, that we could not cope with our daily routines.

So this week I encouraged students to 'make time' for oneself. Whether it be sitting in the car for one minute or stepping outside the office for a moment. And more importantly creating time for ourselves where we can totally immerse ourselves in something that we 'love' doing. Creating space in our lives to step outside of our swirling expectations and pressures, of others - and more importantly from ourselves. Coming back to our own elements. Where we can 'lose' ourselves, in the moment. For me, its being in the ocean, for others it may be spending time in the garden etc.

Imagine the 'dis-ease' that we feel which prevents us from a proper nights sleep or the inability to be relaxed in our working/school/family environment were not due to the pressures of others or workload. But our expectations and pressures we place on ourselves.

So when we take that minute to step outside of our own swirling thoughts and pressures, we come back to our natural relaxed selves. Come back to what is important, perhaps our health, our enjoyment and passions in life.

Its great to have ambitions, goals etc to help us to achieve what we want from life, but too often I see many try so hard, that miss the experience of enjoying creating and living their dreams. Whereby, we miss watching our kids grow up, spending quality time with our friends & family or miss the fun and excitement of creating a year of memories when you turn 16 or 60.

When we create that space in our lives, we can see a different perspective to our current 'reality'. Perhaps, we get to see a different 'reality' by seeing things as they really are - which is infront of us. The opportunities, the love from our friends and family - instead of being stuck in our thoughts and not seeing the beauty that is before us - ready to be experienced.

When we create enough space for ourselves, not just in our daily routines but more importantly in our thoughts and expectations of ourselves. We experience our true self. Our inspirations, our creativity. Anchored in the moment that is infront of us. Anchored in ourselves. Who we are inside and sharing this with the world.

The image used today, seems to capture the lesson. Even though the waves at the beach seem to be endlessly crashing at our feet, and the sand never seems to settle in this movement. Our feet remain anchored in the sand. We remain anchored in who we are. All we need to do is stand still for a moment to see it.

See you next class!

February events:
Meditation classes Wednesdays 7.30pm - limited spaces
Yoga classes Wednesdays 8.45am (only 2 spaces left)
Full Moon Meditation 28th Feb 6pm - spaces filling quick. Book NoW!

More info:

Also Check out Brendan Rohan's article on 'Temple of Silence'

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

An Exciting Year Ahead!

This year is such a 'Smashing year', where we let go of old habits & perceptions of ourselves - allowing us to live the true essence of ourselves.

Brendan Rohan (Founder of Skyflower flower essences check out his blog: called the 2010 flower essence of the year 'Realism'' where we get more 'grounded' into the reality of what we have created thus far in our lives and experiences. What is more exciting is the part where we come in contact with the 'reality' of this and realise we are no longer bound by our old perceptions of self.

What some of us have been feeling, coming back to 'work' and reality of everyday life - have felt quite tired and/overwhelmed. When the 'reality' of it, is that we are not necessarily overwhelmed by the 'workload' but our perception that we hold of ourselves. Where we feel that we are smaller than the tasks/projects at hand and therefore we have 'shrunk' in these circumstances.

It is when we 'shrink' our energy, that we seemingly become 'overwhelmed' by our environment/circumstances. Back to the 'exciting' part of connecting with our 'reality', is that when we realise its not the circumstances that cause us the weariness or stress, but the fact that we have chosen to 'shrink' (more out of habit, then conscious action) THEN we realise that we NO longer need to 'shrink' in our workplace or alike AND can be 'anchored' in ourselves. ie. fill into
the space/presence that we 'do' hold and allow ourselves to shine in our essence - our true selves. Free, comfortable & relaxed.

Are these the words you would describe coming back to work? =>

Happy 'Smashing' New Year! - where you live the life you want to live, here & now.

Its GREAT to be back! There's lots of exciting new courses for both adults and kids this term, hope to see you there.

[Check out, click on Adult classes or Kids classes tab for more info.}